Sunday, May 1, 2011


10 reasons why Realtors do not answer calls from customers.

10 reasons why Realtors do not answer calls from customers.

The first thing I want to do is clarify something for the general public. Real Estate Professionals or Realtors as we are best known, work on commission and only by commission, we do not accrued any money in any other activity. Our employer has no obligation to pay us. If we do not sell or rent a property. we do not put a meal on the table for our family.

Clarified this point, how we Realtors,earn our salary, I want to share with you some of the reasons why some realtors do not answer the phone or return calls:

1 - The customer calls for information on a property, and they are already working with another Realtor. If you are working with a realtor, he or she should provide the information of all available properties, if this is not the case. You can choose another Real Estate Professional (Realtor) to give advice to you in your search. For ethical reasons a Realtor should not provide information to a buyer or seller who is already working with another Realtor.

2 - Customers that don't know in which city they want to buy the property and ask to see properties in Weston, Miami Beach, Boca Raton and Pompano Beach. A real buyer is very clear or at least have an idea of ​​what city or cities you would like to live, either by the schools for their children or because they like a particular neighborhood.

3 - Customers do not have a bank loan approved and have no cash to buy a property. These people want to see properties that are outside their actual scope and are not even eligible for a bank loan, are bankrupt or have properties in short sale or foreclosure. Those who are eligible do not know how is it that they really can invest in a property, according to their income and they refuse to be prequalified by a bank.

4 - Customers do not let the realtor guide them in buying their property. These people think they know more than the realtors or do not trust the "realtors." They believe more in what it says in the press and the media, what a friend told them, who by the way is a Realtor or his brother who recently purchased a property. A true Real Estate professional can help you and guide you with real information and current market data in your city, not Texas, not Ohio, not the entire country but your city, the city where you will invest your money.

5 - Customers who don't know what price they are seeking.

Customer: I'm looking for a property between $ 10 000 and $350.000. (This makes no sense.)

6 - Realtor: When you are buying your property?

Customer: I do not know, Maybe in the next 12 months or more. (So ​​you want to see house at this time.) A true buyer must be ready with an approved mortgage loan based on income and know when you can and want to invest in property that will be home and be clear about the timeframe when they want to move to the new property either because they rental contract will expire or they want to sell the property where they currently reside.

7 - Customers who do not want to have a consultation with the realtor.

Realtor: You can go to my office and discuss in detail what you are looking for.

Customer: No, I have no time for that.

(purchase of your home. its no important) A consultation with the realtor, will give you an idea, if you are working with someone professional and who will represent your interests in the most important investment of your life. The realtor needs to know if you are a serious buyer and is qualified to buy the house you want and need to know what you want in great detail. And this is an excellent opportunity to assess whether this person is with whom you want to work.

8 - Customers looking for the biggest bargain in the history of Real estate

Customer: I'm looking at in this moment a home on the internet with a price of $ 20.000, and I want to buy it.

Realtor: Yes ma'am that's a scam, you are looking to steal your money, because in that area more affordable home costs $ 280,000.

9 - It's in the worst of all calls.

Customer: I'm looking at a house in Miramar that the price is $ 230.000 and I want to make a offer.

Realtor: Great, I definetely can help you with that. How much do you want to offer for this property?

Customer: I know the area and the properties there sell for $ 130.000, that's the price I will pay for the property no more, tell me if it helps or not.

Realtor: Ok, sigh ... ... ... ....

There is a false belief that at this time all the property can be bought as bargains, and this is not so. There are many people looking to bid for the low price PROPERTIES these often makes a fierce competition, including shortsale, Remember you are not the only person wanting to buy a property, let your realtor tell you which is the best bid price if you really want to get the property.

10 - Customers want to see property, just for curiosity, no matter the time and gasoline spent the realtor. Remember show properties is part of our work but we earned nothing for doing this.

Dear reader if you are one of these customers, Realtor remember that we want to work with you, but please follow the Golden Rule: do to others what you do not want to do to you. Treat your Realtor with consideration and respect for their time.

Luis Lozada

Monday, April 25, 2011


Weston florida

Welcome to The City of Weston Weston is a family-oriented, master-planned community that strives to embrace each and every resident. Weston’s well managed growth has given rise to one of South Florida’s most desirable communities, both residential and corporate.

With a culturally diverse population, Weston is comprised of the finest residential neighborhoods, and a diverse corporate, commercial and retail environment. We are a safe community with A-rated public schools, superior parks and recreational facilities, a progressive government that is financially strong and a community-wide appearance that cities around the world wish to emulate.

Thursday, March 24, 2011